A mysterious radio signal puzzles the world, and fires the imagination of a Soviet engineer named Los. In his daydreams Los envisions a distant society on the planet Mars, and on that distant world someone is watching him back...Adapted by Yakov Protazanov from the novel by Alexei Tolstoy, Aelita is historic for being the first Soviet science fiction film.

The influence of Aelita's ambitious costumes and sets, designed by legendary constructivist artists Aleksandra Ekster, Isaak Rabinovitch, and Viktor Simov, continues to be felt in science-fiction today.Newly restored with a fresh translation, and live score by local musicians, Aelita is a film spectacular not to be missed.

The screening will be preceded by a short talk on the history and politics of film production in Russia between the 1917 Russian revolution and the Stalinist counter-revolution. Tickets will be available at the door and via TryBooking, along with popcorn and hot drinks. Art and raffle tickets will be for sale. All profits from this event will be donated to the Victorian Socialists election campaign. For more information on the Victorian Socialist campaign visit https://victoriansocialists.org.au/ 

Event Dates

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20th Oct 2022 @ 6:00pm 20th Oct 2022 @ 9:00pm Add to your calendar
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