The administration and operation of the UWA Student Guild are covered by a series of regulations and standing orders.
Guild Regulations & Guild Standing Orders
Download UWA Student Guild Regulations (2024)
Promulgation Note 16th August 2024: On 29 July 2024 the Senate approved amendments to the Guild Regulations and to the Guild Election Regulations. Amendments improve the process of electing student representatives for the organisation including, but are not limited to;
- addressing feedback received on referendums; social media use and definition; and Independents campaigning as groups or gatherings of independents which essentially form a party;
- distinguishing between a ‘referendum’ and a ‘plebiscite’, refining the scope and content of both; and
- closing an election loophole to stop independent candidates forming unofficial parties under the term ‘independents’.
The Regulations (as amended) can be accessed through the above link.
Details of the amendments can be obtained from the Student Guild (Guild Administration: (08) 6488 2295 Email:
Download UWA Student Guild Elections Regulations (2024)
Promulgation Note 16th August 2024: On 29 July 2024 the Senate approved amendments to the Guild Regulations and to the Guild Election Regulations. Amendments improve the process of electing student representatives for the organisation including, but are not limited to;
- addressing feedback received on referendums; social media use and definition; and Independents campaigning as groups or gatherings of independents which essentially form a party;
- distinguishing between a ‘referendum’ and a ‘plebiscite’, refining the scope and content of both; and
- closing an election loophole to stop independent candidates forming unofficial parties under the term ‘independents’.
The Regulations (as amended) can be accessed through the above link.
Details of the amendments can be obtained from the Student Guild (Guild Administration: (08) 6488 2295 Email:
Visit the Elections page for more information.
Department Rules
Womens' Department Rules (2023)
University legislation
The Student Guild is established by the University of Western Australia Act 1911. The Guild’s objects and powers are set out in the University of Western Australia Statute.
UWA Regulations for student conduct & discipline
Click here for the University's Regulations for student conduct and discipline.
Read the Guild's Student Representative Code of Conduct