October 20, 2022

The Ultimate Exams Guide

Exams are stressful; study is hard, and procrastination levels are at an all-time high since this time last semester. Don’t worry – we understand.

That’s why we’ve put this guide together for you.

Everything you need to know about exams from ‘what if my calculator breaks?’, to what counts as special consideration - all in one convenient location. So have a read through and procrastinate while brushing up on your exam-time essentials… we promise it counts as being productive.

There's also heaps of exam info as well as technical support information for online exams on the UWA website!

The Basics

Let’s start off easy; if you’ve ever sat an exam before you probably know these ones! These apply to your standard on-campus exams.

Before you get there:

  • Double and triple check your exam timetables on studentConnect or the UWA app (especially the day before and day of – sometimes venues can change)
  • Make a note of your allocated seat number for your exam

Take this stuff in with you:

  • UWA Student ID card (or valid governent ID), a transparent pencil case with pens, pencils, UWA-approved calculator (if allowed), highlighters, rulers etc
  • Water in a transparent bottle

Leave this in your bag:

  • Calculator cases, non-transparent pencil cases, hats, wallets
  • Devices including phones, digital/smart watches, MP3/MP4 players, digital products with communication or storage functions.
  • Food and non-water drinks

Disciplinary action will apply if you are found to have unauthorized materials on your person. If you’re not sure about something, check with your exam supervisor – better to be safe than sorry!

To see what materials are allowed or required for each of your exams, UWA has created a handy searchable document, available here.

Issues during the exam? Raise your hand and an exam supervisor can help you out.

"What time should I get there?"


  • Written exams: minimum 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.
  • Practical exams: minimum 20 minutes before the scheduled start time.


  • LMS exams: log in to LMS well ahead of your exam time
  • For LMS MS Teams exams: you should log on up to 45 minutes before the scheduled start time of your exam

“I’ve lost my Student ID!!”

You won't be able to sit your exam unless you have your UWA student Campus Card, or Government issued ID such as a driver's license or passport with you. If you don’t have it, head straight to Student Central opposite the Guild Village and they will issue you with a replacement for $15.

Student Central will be open before exams each day. If there is no time to go to Student Central before your exam, go to your exam anyway - you will just need to stay behind to be identified afterwards.

“I’m running late for my exam!!”

The most important thing here is don’t panic. If you’re less than 60 minutes late to your exam, you can head straight to the exam venue. You will be let in to sit the exam, but no extra time will be allowed.

If you’re more than 60 minutes late or have missed your exam completely, do not go to your exam venue.

Go straight to Student Central (do not pass GO, do not collect $200) located next to Oak Lawn. This is NOT the Guild Student Centre – only Student Central will be able to contact the Examinations Officer or other relevant staff to help you.

"My calculator needs an approved sticker!!"

Stickers for approved calculators can be collected from Student Central, any Student Advising Office, UniPrint or at any UWA library. Unapproved calculators will be confiscated without exception. Calculators must not be programmable, display graphics or have connectivity capabilities (ie Bluetooth).

“I’ve lost/broken my calculator!!”

Never fear – the GSC always carries a few spares with UWA-approved stickers, as well as spare pens and pencils.

"I've started feeling unwell!"

On-campus exams: If you're feeling sick prior to the exam, do not attend as you may not be eligible to apply for special consideration - visit a medical practitioner ASAP an apply for special consideration with a current and relevant medical certificate. If you start feeling unwell during the exam, raise your hand and let an Exam Supervisor know.

Online exams: If you're feeling sick before your exam, don't enter the exam folder in LMS. Doing so may mean you are ineligible to apply for Special Consideration. If you become unwell during your exam and cannot continue, please notify your Student Advising Office via askUWA. In all cases, your application must include a current and relevant medical certificate. Try and get one of these as soon as you can!

Online exams

"What can I bring to my online exam?"

Always have your Student ID on you, just in case! You don't need an Approved sticker for your calculator to sit online exams, but see here for online exam calculator requirements.

"Can I use the bathroom during online exams?"

Yes - but just like in regular exams, you can't go in the first 30 mins or the last hour of any 2-hour exam.

Remember, you can't submit an online exam until after the end of duration (2 hours) - so no early submissions for these ones!

What if I'm late to my online exam?

If you're sitting an MS Teams exam, you'll need to log on up to 45 mins before the start of the exam for an ID check and to resolve any technical issues.

You can still start the exam up to 1 hour after the start time. If you are more than 1 hour late (or have missed it completely), you won't be allowed to sit it.

Make sure you are ready before the start time and have allowed time to log in. If you lateness was out of your control, you may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration.

"Help! I'm having issues with my online exam!"

There's an exam helpline if you run into any trouble on the day! Call +(61) 8 6488 1212 - they're available from 8.00am-5pm throughout the exam period. Take a screenshot immediately (including the time on your screen) and send it to your Student Advising Office via askUWA. Remember - contact with your Unit Coordinator isn't allowed during the exam!

Special Consideration

You can apply for special consideration if your study has been affected by extenuating circumstances. Special consideration for exams can be a deferred exam date, permission to sit the exam off-campus, or withdrawal without academic penalty.

You WILL NOT get Special Consideration for under-preparing for an exam due to binge-watching Friends for the 10th time, missing an exam due to booking a holiday, getting your timetable wrong, etc.

However, anything in the vicinity of:

  • Death or serious illness of a family/household member or close friend
  • Serious injury or illness
  • Breakdown of a relationship
  • Being the victim of a crime
  • Sudden loss of income or employment
  • Serious disruption to domestic arrangements

can be considered an extenuating circumstance.

All requests for Special Consideration and for withdrawal from a unit are to be submitted using the online application system. Make sure you have your supporting documents readily available for upload. Form-based requests for special consideration will no longer be accepted.

Important to note when submitting your Special Consideration Application:

The rules and policies regarding Special Consideration are written by the University. Our Student Assist team can provide advice and assistance as required, but to give yourself the best chance at your application being approved, there are a few deadlines and fine print things to be aware of:

  • Applications can be submitted any time before your exam, but no more than three University days after the exam. If there is a reason you could not submit within this time, you must provide evidence.
  • Provide appropriate documentation that demonstrates why you are applying (i.e. medical certificates or police reports)
  • Medical certificates must be from the date of the exam, or if the certificate covers several days it must include the date of the exam.
  • If your circumstances get worse, you can also apply for further consideration.

Click here for the full rundown on the UWA Special Consideration Policy.

Alternative Arrangements

There are some cases where an alternative exam time can be arranged without applying for Special Consideration. These include:

  • Timetable clashes; these will be flagged in studentConnect, and a new time will be arranged for you.
  • Disability or medical conditions; if you are unable to complete an exam under normal conditions, you can make an appointment to discuss requirements with a disability officer at UniAccess.
  • Religious beliefs; if you are unable to attend a Saturday exam due to religious beliefs, your exam can be scheduled to the next available exam session following that Saturday. A letter from your local religious leader must be presented to the Senior Manager for Student Services at the University within 5 working days of the timetable being published.
  • Injury; If you suffer illness or injury before exams begin (like a broken arm on your writing hand), you will need to phone Student Services on 08 6488 3235 for special arrangements or a deferred exam.

As the deadlines have passed to make alternative arrangements, you’ll need to contact UniAccess to see how they can help. Student Assist can also give advice on the best approach in making these arrangements after the cut-off date.

Student Assist

The Guild employs a professionally trained Counselor and team of Social Workers in Student Assist to provide support to students who need it.

Exam time can be a particularly difficult for a lot of students but the Student Assist Officers are a great resource. Student Assist can take some of the pressure off by providing support and advocacy about academic, financial or welfare matters.

To book an appointment with Student Assist, email [email protected].

UWA have a full guide to exam rules here: https://www.uwa.edu.au/students/My-course/Exams-as...

We hope this guide has been useful – study hard everyone and good luck for all your exams!